Transmissions through the Crystal - A Synthesis of Light - Triology of Crystals - Katrina Raphaell

BOOK - Transmissions through the Crystal - A Synthesis of Light - Trilogy of Crystals

Referencia: 1564

Personal Growth, Healing, Protection

Author: Katrina Raphaell

Approximate book size: 14.5 x 21cm

Approximate book weight: 390gr

Number of pages: 296pages.

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In this innovative work of extraordinary success in the United States, Katrina Raphaell reflects the results of her research on the ancestral use of minerals as well as her extensive experience in therapeutic practice.

This third volume of the series"Transmissions through the crystal" reveals a new dimension of knowledge, thus complementing the cycle of crystalline wisdom. This book gathers the instructive data born from Katrina's experience, providing the necessary knowledge for us to align ourselves with our own source of crystalline and luminous force. Katrina also instructs us in the mechanisms of the twelve chakra system that make possible our full integration into the physical body and the assimilation of the transmissions through the crystal.

With innovative content, she addresses, among other topics, advanced cranial structures, attunement to the divine essence, the rooting disposition in the luminous body, the power of important healing stones, tantric crystal pair meditation, and crystals and stones for a new race of beings..., topics and concepts that point to a new path of human realization for the new millennium.

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