BASIC DATA PROTECTIONINFORMATION: In compliance with the duty to inform the interested parties of the circumstances and conditions of the processing of their data and the rights that assist them, we make available the following information.
PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING OF YOURDATA: Inform you of the products and / or services of Vives De La Cortada, S.L
DATA CONSERVATION: The data is kept for the time strictly necessary for the relationship and what is legally required, being subsequently destroyed through the secure processes of the organization.
LEGITIMATION FOR THE TREATMENT: Explicit consent when accepting the conditions of use of the registration form in our newsletter.
RECIPIENTS OF YOUR PERSONALDATA: No data transfers are foreseen except in those cases in which there is a legal obligation. There is no provision for international data transfers.
YOURRIGHTS: You can revoke your consent and exercise your rights to access, rectify, oppose, limit, carry and delete the data, by writing to Vives De La Cortada, S.L. , at C / Ciutat 7 Bajo Izquierda, 08002, Barcelona in addition to going to the competent control authority (AEPD).
I accept the conditions of use of the inscription in the newsletter of Vives De La Cortada, S.L