

  • GROUP Silicates - nesosilicates
  • COLOR Colourless, brown, red, yellow, orange, blue, green
  • CRYSTALLINE HABIT From prismatic to bipyramidal
  • HARDNESS 7.5
  • FRACTURE Unequal to conchoidal
  • EXFOLIATION Imperfect
  • SHINE From adamantine to oily
  • STRIP White
  • TRANSPARENCY From transparent to opaque
  • SPECIFIC GRAVITY 4.6 - 4.7
  • REFRACTIVE INDEX 1.93 - 1.98


Zircon is a zirconium silicate. Its most common color is reddish brown, but it can also be yellow, green or colorless. It usually contains traces of other elements, such as uranium, lead, thorium and hafnium. It is considered the oldest mineral on Earth.

The name of zircon comes from the Arabic "zarqun", and the Persian "zargun", which means "gold color", referring to to one of the colors it can take. It appears in igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks and in some sedimentary rocks, in the form of small crystals.

In geology, zircon is used for radiometric dating of rocks that contain it. It is also often used to make foundry sand and industrial abrasives.

Deposits: Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Myanmar, United States, South Africa, Russia and Madagascar.


The zircon is known as a stone of virtue and wisdom. It favors the harmonization between matter and spirit. It is used in meditation experiences to connect with unconditional love for oneself and for others, promoting brotherhood. It helps to clarify the mind, to connect with the intuition and to let go of the old to open up to the new.

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