The prehnite is a calcium aluminosilicate of hydrothermal origin. It is named after its discoverer, the Dutch military officer Hendrik Von Prehn, (1789).
The prehnite can be light green, yellowish and white. It is usually in the form of spherical, globular or stalactitic aggregates and rarely forms individual crystals. The prehnite appears in cavities of volcanic rocks, in alpine cracks and in pegmatite druses.
Deposits: Australia, Canada, Scotland, South Africa, United States, India and Germany.
The prehnite is considered the healing stone of therapists. It is a stone of unconditional love that instills calm and peace. Lightens the soul of accumulated energy charges, promotes spiritual growth and provides energy protection. It is said that the prehnite reminds us of the connection with nature and that it helps to heal internal deficiencies to regain confidence in oneself and in life.