piedra una arco iris


  • GROUP Silicates - tectosilicates
  • COLOR Colourless, white, pinkish yellow or reddish brown
  • CRYSTALLINE SYSTEMMonoclinic / triclinic
  • HARDNESS 6 - 6.5
  • FRACTURE From conchoidal to unequal
  • EXFOLIATION Perfect, good
  • GLOSS Vitreous
  • STRIP Colorless
  • TRANSPARENCY From transparent to translucent
  • SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.5 - 2.6


The rainbow moonstone belongs to the group of feldspars and is considered an opalescent variety of orthoclase. Its name refers to its resemblance to the moon, which is why it refers to its brightness.

The moonstone presents a superficial iridescence with bluish and golden tones called adularescence. This brightness is due to the crosslinking of albite and orthoclase sheets that it contains.

Deposits: India, Australia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Brazil, Tanzania and the United States.


The rainbow moonstone has the same properties as the adularia moonstone, both represent balance. They are of great help to calm and balance emotions and promote a state of peace and tranquility. Putting on the solar plexus or chi center helps to create this balance. The moonstone also represents the cyclical nature of the human being and favors emotional, mental and physical balance in the processes of inner growth.

It is considered a spiritual stone and enhances the Ying part of people, which Taoism defines as the feminine principle, that of intuition, receptivity and creativity from non-action. Promotes balance between masculine and feminine energies. The moonstone is also known to be beneficial for the female reproductive cycle, for ailments related to menstruation and to balance the hormonal system.

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