jade verde
jade verde mineral


  • GROUP Silicates - inosilicates
  • COMPOSITION Ca2(Mg,Fe)5(Si8O22)(OH)2
  • COLOR Cream, light to dark green
  • HARDNESS 6.5
  • FRACTURE Splintering, brittle
  • GLOSS Matte to cerulean
  • STRIP White
  • TRANSPARENCY Translucent to almost opaque
  • SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.9 - 3.4
  • REFRACTIVE INDEX 1.61 - 1.63


Jade is the name commonly given to two different minerals, jadeite and nephrite. The name of jade comes from the old Spanish "piedra de ijada", "hip stone", referring to a stone that the Spanish conquerors brought from America, and to which healing properties for the liver, spleen and kidney area. The jade is harder than steel and was formerly used to make weapons and tools.

The nephrite jade is the most abundant. It is a variety of tremolite or actinolite, with green tones when it has iron, and white tones when it has magnesium. The word nephrite comes from the Greek "nephrus", which means "kidney", since it was associated with the cure of kidney diseases.

The jadeite is a pyroxene mineral and can have several colors, green, white, yellow, red, brown, orange, blue, black, pink and violet, depending on the other minerals that it can contain. The most valued jadeite is emerald green and is often called imperial jade.

Nephrite jade deposits: United States, China, Canada, New Zealand, Siberia, South Korea, Italy, Poland, Germany, Alaska, Australia, Brazil, Russia and Taiwan.

Jadeite deposits: Myanmar, China, United States, Japan, Canada, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, New Zealand and Russia.


The green jade is highly valued in the East for being a symbol of purity, serenity and wisdom. It is also appreciated by shamans and therapists as a medicine stone. The green jade is related to the heart chakra, with love and harmony.

It is considered a mineral that emits calm and provides cleaning and protection. Promotes healing and mind-body balance. On a curative level, it is said that it favors the cleansing and elimination functions of the body and that it promotes fertility.

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