

  • GROUP Silicates - nesosilicates
  • COMPOSITION (Fe, Mg)4Al17(Si, Al)8O 45(OH)3
  • COLOR Brown
  • CRYSTALLINE HABIT Pseudorhombic prismatic
  • HARDNESS 7 - 7.5
  • FRACTURE Conchoidal
  • EXFOLIATION Imperfect
  • SHINE Vitreous to resinous
  • STRIPColorless to gray
  • TRANSPARENCY From transparent to opaque
  • SPECIFIC GRAVITY 3.5 - 3.6
  • REFRACTIVE INDEX 1.74 - 1.75


The staurolite is a metamorphic mineral of the silicate group that forms normally opaque, rhombic, reddish brown or black, prismatic to tabular crystals. Staurolite is formed by the fusion of garnet, mica and kyanite, as well as other metamorphic minerals. It only forms in very specific thermal and pressure conditions that help to know the conditions in which the rock formed next to which it appears implanted. The name of staurolite comes from the Greek word "stauros", which means "cross" due to its characteristic cruciform twin.

Deposits: Georgia, the United States, France, Brazil and the Middle East.


The staurolite is considered a protective and wisdom stone. It is often used as a talisman and in rituals. It is said that it favors the connection with the ancient wisdom of the Middle East. It promotes relaxation, relieves depression and helps overcome addictions. At a curative level, it is said that it treats cell and tumor disorders, increasing the assimilation of carbohydrates.

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