The rutilated quartz, also known as hairs of Venus, is a variety of quartz (silicate) containing needles of rutile (titanium oxide). The rutile crystals can be golden, red or black, depending on the concentration of iron. Sometimes other needles can also be seen, such as those of black tourmaline or green chlorite. It is found in pegmatites, in sedimentary rocks, and in alpine crevasses.
Most of the deposits of rutilated quartz are found in Brazil. It normally appears in the form of crystals and is usually polished in the form of a cabochon in order to be used for making jewelry.
Deposits: Brazil, United States, Austria, Australia, Mexico, Russia, Belgium and Madagascar.
The rutilated quartz is a stone associated with vitality and light. It symbolizes the nurturing energy of the sun. It is recommended in meditations and to cleanse and energize the aura. Promotes concentration, focus and creativity. Power channeling and connection with personal guides and inner wisdom. It is also indicated for personal work related to spiritual growth and prosperity.