The kyanite is characterized by being a mineral of variable hardness. Scratching in the longitudinal direction it presents hardness 4, while cutting perpendicular to the axis of its sheets the hardness is 6. The best known kyanite is the blue one, although there is also green, gray and white kyanite. Its name comes from the Greek "kyanos", which means "dark blue". Kyanite crystals normally have a long, lamellar habit. It appears implanted in metamorphic rocks, gneiss and mica schists.
Deposits: Brazil, United States and Switzerland.
Kyanite is said to be a powerful conductor of energy. It is often used to meditate, to calm and to amplify psychic abilities. Applied to the 5th chakra, it enhances communication and helps to balance both excesses of expression and shyness. Applied to the third eye, it provides mental balance and stimulates intuition.
Physically it is indicated for vertigo and dizziness, and treats the entire throat and brain area.